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*This is an expansion pack of my previous GB Studio Digital Clock System Template. This project file already includes the following: 

1.) Digital Clock System Template ($2.99)
2.) Days in a Week System Template ($1.99)

If you've already purchased the "Digital Clock System Template", a sale will be visible to you and you will be able to purchase "Days in a Week System Template" for only $1.99. If not, to get this system you will need GB Studio Digital Clock System Template first. Or, purchasing this will already give you both systems in one project file. 

This template and tutorial allows you to be able to have Days in a Week at the upper right corner of your screen in GB Studio

Below are downloadable files that contain the GB Studio Days in a Week System Template.

(Made in GB Studio 3.1)

Try the DEMO to have a feel of the system.

Press Start, then walk around and wait for the clock to tick until one day passes to see the Day Indicator change. If you can't wait because ofcourse it will take long, you may interact with the Sun Sprite to add 1 day or to test it out further you may speed up the time by adding 1 hour by interacting with the Clock Sprite.

Features (and reminders):

  1. First, you will need Digital Clock System Template to be working 100% first.
  2. Days in a Week System Template is connected to the Digital Clock System (ofcourse)
  3. This template provides a basic Day Counter Indicator on the upper right corner of your screen under the Digital Clock.
  4. The day indicator begins with Sunday.
  5. Days change every time the clock hits 12am.
  6. Reminder that the "Days Counter" event group is located in the Days ACTOR "OnUpdate" section because it doesn't activate properly when placed in the same next to the "Clock Counter" event group in the "OnInit" Section of the Outdoor Scene.


  1. Font and sprites for the days are just standard designs, you may change them however you like.

Do as you wish with how this template works, you may tweak it, copy and apply it to different kinds of projects. You may of course  just use the system itself and just change the look in your liking Just make sure to adjust events/scripts accordingly if you were to change a lot of things for it to work.

If you're having a hard time to make it work. Just copy everything to the dot then work from there :)


*Purchasing this will encourage me to make more systems and even graphical assets!

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Special Thanks to: Pixel Pete of Gurb's Adventure for the forest assets for the outdoor scene!

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(1 total ratings)
Tagsassets, bundle, clock, days, gb-studio, system, Tutorial


Get this asset pack and 9 more for $19.99 USD
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Buy Now$4.99 USD or more

In order to download this asset pack you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $4.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

GB Studio Days in a Week System Template Download (by AA Studio).zip 108 kB


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Hi, how do I add the clock to a new scene using the file you provided with my image? I'm a GB studio noob

Hello, it's best if you use my GB Studio Digital Clock System as your first project then you work from there. You rename it, you change the scene background, you change the sprites of the characters. Etc. Basically, a template that has the built in system for the clock to work. That's if you do not want to learn the nitty gritty details on how to make systems work. But! if you want to learn. You'll really have to study the template I made as to how it works. I made it fairly simple. I don't really make my systems function on formulas (except currency counter it has a little basic formula).

So yeah, I highly suggest you tinker with GB Studio first and start with basics. Try to imagine one thing you want to accomplish (like Player pushes object) then play around with GB Studio, search the web, ask people on reddit and just dive into it. I started from scratch 6 months ago. You can do it!

I have a question. Are the HUD an actors? Because I have max limit on some of the maps. 

Yes they are. You might have to always make your scenes a little bigger than the standard size so your limit goes from 10 actors to 20 at all times. I'm sure you know this. For my RPG game I have decided to split a few scenes/maps into 2 just so I can accommodate this digital clock system and watch out for how many actors I place per scene.

Yeah, I know, thank you! :)

I already have the clock mechanism built into a game. I was having my game tested and the reviewer mentioned needing a day identifier for gameplay. 

Well this solved that. Super easy to incorporate into existing projects. Thanks!

Glad you were able to incorporate it into your existing project at ease! Thank you for your support :)

(1 edit)

For five bones this is actually worth it, because of all of the scripting work being done with lovely palette swapping representing the different times of the day.

Though there are free mods that can allow you to do the same thing and more if you're willing to put in the work. Many users would find far more than $5 worth of value in this template

(free alternative, I mentioned)

Thanks for the kind words man! and yes I've seen that github plugin. I tried to understand it but I just couldn't. So I decided to make my own basic version.

(3 edits)

I also did not find the mod I posted to be  intuitive (However I did eventually figure it all out)

But I really like you reason! That's the way to do it!! don't let anything stop you!!

Keep it up, I'll be watching your work