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This template and tutorial allows you to be able to have a Status Menu that shows your player's stats in GB Studio

Below are downloadable files that contain the Status Menu System Template.

(Made in GB Studio 3.1)




Try the DEMO to have a feel of the system.

Press Start, then Press Start again to open the status menu options and pick Status to see how the Status Menu Template looks like. Get a cookie to level up. Talk to Master Itchio to get power ups and get attacked by the enemy with the sword on the right side of the scene to get damaged and check your status in the status menu to see how your player is doing.

Features (and reminders):

  1. This template provides a basic Status Menu to see your player's basic stats.
  2. Importing this system onto a new project will jumble up sprites therefore will urge you to re-link the number sprites. If you do not want to take up so much time doing that, you can start with this project and work your way on your game from there.
  3. I specifically made the Background image a little bit bigger than the default size of 160 x 144 so the actor limit goes from 10 to 20 because I needed 18 actors for all the number sprites.
  4. I provided 16 sample Player Lvls stats with corresponding stat increase so you can see how the player's stats go up for each level increase.
  5. Once you tie up all variables to get affected the status menu updates as soon as you open it. So if you level up, get a power up, or get damaged your status menu will update. You may even have equipments that you pick up that increase stats if you want.

*In the RPG Turn Based Battle System of Bad Design Bryan stats truly affect the performance of a player when fighting foes and it is done in his formula which isn't included in this system template.


  1. I could only put 18 number actors in total to showcase the stats and that covered the HP,MP,ATK,DEF,INT and AGL. I could've added one more but I didn't want to consume the maximum of 20 actors in the scene.
  2. I only created 16 sample Player Lvl. Stats in the scripts section to show how each level can be changed as to how many stats increase per level up. I only created 16 because that's the maximum of each 'Switch' event. I could totally go up to level 99 but is quite unnecessary since you will also need to change every stat increase per level anyway.
  3. Since it is just a basic Status Menu System Template, I did not include EXP points for level ups. That will need a whole other formula to incorporate into this status menu system.

Do as you wish with how this template works, you may tweak it, copy and apply it to different kinds of projects. You may of course  just use the system itself and just change the look in your liking Just make sure to adjust events/scripts accordingly if you were to change a lot of things for it to work.

If you're having a hard time to make it work. Just copy everything to the dot then work from there :)


*Purchasing this will encourage me to make more systems and even graphical assets!

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Special Thanks to: Pixel Pete of Gurb's Adventure for the forest assets for the outdoor scene!


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GB Studio Status Menu System Template Download (by AA Studio).zip 153 kB


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i purchased, and maticuously transferred all the variables, and scripts to one of my scenes. Just to familiarize myself and understand the math around it before spreading it to other pre existing scenes. (Im too far in to start fresh haha)

And im having some trouble, i can walk freely around my open world, but as soon as i enter the scene where i input the status menu and variables, i get the "you are dead" dialogue and sent back to my bed in my house. What do i need to modify to let me live so i can actually tinker with it lol

(1 edit)

Hello! Sorry for the late response, quite busy lately. Okay so first off. You will need to study on how to create scripts over at your project that affects your entire world that keep track of the stats of your character using variables and such. So that wherever you go around any scene your stats remain the way they are depending on whatever circumstances they face. Let's say in scene 1 your character gets damaged by 1. It should carry over to the script that affects your HP. Therefore if you go to the next scene as long as you have that script in that same scene. It will update the stats of your character. It's quite difficult to explain but there are tutorials online on how to go about that. I hope I made sense. Here's a photo of where you can make scripts.

I believe your character is dying whenever you go to the next scene because your character's life starts at ZERO in the next scene? and therefore the MENU template i created kills your character at zero. Maybe you can remove the "You are dead" scripts that sends it to another scene first. Then later on add that once you have figured everything out. Also, you might need to study on how to create rpg's on gb studio first and the scale of it before creating a project because I personally had to stop my dreams of making an rpg because it is too much for me. haha. I ended up getting stuck in so much obstacles.

yea i understand that, but how do i change the HP value for the scene? How do i add HP to the variable so i enter the scene with HP

(1 edit)

Not sure if this is all too complex for you but basically you need to set the script of your characters level that corresponds to stats.

So here you see defense, intelligence, agility, max HP, HP so on and so forth. This is what sets the player's initial stats in the beginning of the game. The variables check out accordingly. Now when player levels up these values will change. But what you need to fix would be the scene your character enters in. So when your character enters a new scene it shouldn't have the event If ($HP <=0) YOU ARE DEAD below:

As seen in this image, your next scenes shouldnt have this anymore so your character doesnt die. You just need to have a fresh scene and allow your character to go to that scene without this. 
Did I get it right?

ill check it tonight and let you know, ill refer to what you shared with me. Thank you!!

Will this work with GB Studio 4?


To be completely honest I am not sure. I haven't tested them all yet. But I have migrated previous projects to GB Studio 4 and they work fine. I can get back to you in a bit. I will test if migrating this will come up with any issues.


*UPDATE* I just tested it now. I migrated it to GB Studio 4.1.3 and it worked. But if for some reason it suddenly doesnt work, if your main project is on a higher version. You'll still have to manually copy paste this entire system one by one piece by piece into your new project anyway. All my systems are usually just templates so GB Studio creators like yourself can dissect it and see how the system works and apply it to your new project.

Thanks for doing the testing and the response. I'll begin dissecting your template :)


Sure thing! I hope it works out for you. I mean I'm transparent with my GB Studio Systems. They're a guide on how to apply it to each and everyone's own projects (Not exactly a copy paste kind of thing). Godspeed!

This system integrates fantastically. The thing that took me the most amount of time was that I had to convert the Sprite "numbers" from the auto-imported "Frames" to the "Animations" on the left column.

(2 edits)

Glad you were able to power through! Creating number counters for any GB Studio Project really takes a lot of time especially when we have to import them into new projects.

Don't get me started on 3 digit numbers! haha (I had to link sprites/actors manually in an event group for numbers 100-999, and it took me hours to accomplish for my Currency Counter System). I haven't found a formula to make it easier to create yet but hopefully someone in the GB Studio Community can.

btw,  I suppose, you couldn't start creating your game with this project file initially? to avoid re-linking sprites for the numbers?

I can't imagine the complexity of designing a triple-digit setup! The double digits work perfectly for the Christmas gift I'm making so I am very happy to have stumbled across your work!

I absolutely could have developed from the initial GB example project, but I had already gotten deep into my own before realising how complex an RPG stat/display system would be. I encourage any future readers to just start with the example project and build out from there!

(1 edit)

Oh alright! Wow! would love to see the game youre making next time you're done with it. Will check your profile once in awhile if you're going to upload it. :)