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This template and tutorial allows you to be able to show where your main character is located on a map in GB Studio

Below are downloadable files that contain the Pause Map System.

(Made in GB Studio 3.1)

Try the DEMO to have a feel of the system.


  1. Press start for menu and pick map to show map.
  2. A map indicator dot will be the marker for the map to show you where your player is located:


3. Make sure each scene has it's own drop down menu to open map and change scene to the map where in the position of the player will be adjusted and spritesheet will be changed into the map indicator dot.


For "PauseMapScene1", "PauseMapScene2", "PauseMapScene3" and "PauseMapScene4" since they are small areas - the map indicator dot can only be shown in the middle or some awkward corners.

 As to PauseMapScene5, for a bigger area - I gave an example as to how to make the map indicator dot more accurate to show where your main character is.

Do as you wish with how this template works, you may tweak it, apply it to different scenes with different kinds of maps and map indicators.

If you're having a hard time to make it work. Just copy everything to the dot then work from there :)


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Special Thanks to: Material Future, Pixel Pete of Gurb's Adventure and Reakain (Assets used for the Outdoor Scenes)


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GB Studio Pause Map System Download (by AA Studio) 107 kB


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A nice addition would be being able to hide parts of the map you haven't entered yet


Ooooh yeah that would be good! Maybe I'll make an updated version of this. Thanks Max!

Thank you!