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This template and tutorial allows you to be able to make your Player cut down trees in GB Studio

Below are downloadable files that contain the Cutting Down A Tree System Template.

(Made in GB Studio 3.2)

Try the DEMO to have a feel of the system.

Press Start, go interact with the tree to cut it down. The tree will fall down. Sample animation of wood appearing will occur. Interact with the piece of wood. Collect it.


Features (and reminders):

  1. This template provides a basic system using quite a lot of events to cut down a tree in game.
  2. In this system I provided sample animation sheets for both tree falling down animation and player with axe swinging animation.
  3. All events and scripts are in the Tree actor. ALL.
  4. I set the tree's durability to 5 hits. You may change it.
  5. You may recreate your own sprite sheets to make  better "tree falling" , wood resource appearing and player's axe swing animations.
  6. I suggest making the animation super simple so that you can place multiple trees in one scene. I made this system solely for ONE tree.


  1. With my entire system, you can only have 1-2 trees per scene due to the animation sheet I created. I intentionally created a heavy animation sheet for the tree falling just to make it look a little better. Along with the wood resource that appears.
  2. For some reason the Tree's Durability cannot be randomized. GB Studio Version 3.2 has a bug as to when I use the Math Function - Random, set value 3,7, it always just goes to value 7, therefore I end up needing to hit the tree 7 times before it falls down. So I solved it by just setting the tree's durability to 5. Which you can customize yourself.

Do as you wish with how this template works, you may tweak it, copy and apply it to different kinds of projects, I suggest creating simpler animation spritesheet to be able to place multiple trees in one scene.

If you're having a hard time to make it work. Just copy everything to the dot then work from there :)


*Purchasing this will encourage me to make more systems and even graphical assets!

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Special Thanks to: PixelPete of Gurb's Adventure (for the outdoor scene assets)


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GB Studio Cutting Down A Tree System Template Download (by AA Studio).zip 133 kB

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